Co-Sponsored Legislation for the 2017-2018 Session

Thank you to the many folks who took the time to be in touch asking me to co-sponsor particular pieces of legislation. Both over email and the phone, my office has received a huge amount of constituent input over the past few weeks. Constituent priorities are at the heart of my legislative advocacy, so please keep the calls and emails coming. In the meantime, see below for the list of bills I’ve co-sponsored for the 2017-2018 legislative session. Bills are broken down by policy area. If you have any questions or concerns about a piece of legislation I’ve signed (or haven’t signed) on to, please reach out and let me know.


H.2918, An Act further regulating the enforcement of illegal hunting practices

H.2426, An Act protecting abandoned animals in vacant properties

H.2419, An Act protect animal welfare and safety in cities and towns

H.554, An Act concerning the use of certain insurance underwriting guidelines pertaining to dogs harbored upon the insured property

H.1080, An Act to protect puppies and kittens

H.416, An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals

H.419, An Act relative to ivory and rhino horn trafficking

H.418, An Act relative to the use of elephants in traveling animal acts

S.1155, An Act relative to protecting puppies and kittens

S.428, An Act to enhance the management of problem wildlife

Children and Families

H.1643, An Act to establish the family caregiver tax credit

H.2796, An Act providing immediate childcare assistance to homeless families

H.2172, An Act establishing a paid family and medical leave insurance program

H.1952, An Act to bring child support home

H.775, An Act to promote child well-being, community supervision and efficient use of state resources

H.1504, An Act Improving the earned income credit for working families

H.85, An Act relative to the well being and care of a child

H.659, An Act to protect families experiencing homelessness from having to sleep in unsafe places

Civil Rights and Privacy

H.1163, An Act granting equal access to original birth certificates to all persons born in Massachusetts

H.2804, An Act ensuring equal access to services for all residents of the commonwealth

H.3269, An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents

H.2332, An Act to protect electronic privacy

H.483, An Act prohibiting discrimination in insurance policies

H.482, An Act providing for equitable coverage in disability policies

H.158, An Act relative to social media privacy protection

H.869, An Act relative to special juveniles

H.873, An Act to protect fundamental freedoms and prohibit discriminatory registration programs

H.695, An Act providing a homeless bill of rights

H.2506, An Act Relative to Traffic and Pedestrian Stop Data

Consumer Affairs

H.2819, An Act Creating a Maximum Allowable Check-Cashing Rate

H.2811, An Act relative to fairness in debt collection

H.3503, An Act requiring gas stations to provide air compressors for free public use

H.2478 An Act requiring disclosure of solvents used in dry cleaning

H.2148, An Act to require producer responsibility for collection, reuse and recycling of discarded electronic products

H.2698, An Act protecting ratepayers from gas pipeline expansion costs

H.2682, An Act Supporting Community Access Television

H.2683 An Act relative to protecting consumers of gas and electricity from paying for leaked and unaccounted for gas

H.439 An Act relative to the disclosure of toxic chemicals in children’s products

H.143, An Act relative to the digital right to repair

H.162 An Act expanding access to craft beer

H.175, An Act relative to clarification of the Massachusetts franchise law

H.137, An Act allowing businesses to sign up for the “Do Not Call” list

Criminal Justice and Public Safety

HD2170, An Act establishing a bill of rights for victims of sexual assault and related purposes

H.2309, An Act relative to sealing of juvenile records and expungement of court records

H.719, An Act to improve public safety by facilitating access to addiction services

H.794, An Act relative to medical placement of terminal and incapacitated inmates

H.793, An Act promoting restorative justice practices

H.741, An Act eliminating mandatory minimum sentences related to drug offenses

H.953, An Act relative to the collection, accuracy and public availability of arrest data

H.773, An Act to protect victims of rape and children conceived during the commission of said offense

H.328, An Act decriminalizing non-violent and verbal student misconduct

H.875, An Act relative to best practices in the juvenile court

H.2306, An Act relative to the Garden of Peace

H.1281, An Act to close the assault weapon magazine loophole

H.967, An Act relative to larceny

H.1283, An Act relative to universal background checks for private gun sales

H.3072, An Act providing community-based sentencing alternatives for primary caretakers of dependent children convicted of non-violent crimes

H.3084, An Act promoting community prosperity by further reforming criminal offender record information

H.3071, An Act to reduce recidivism, curb unnecessary spending, and ensure appropriate use of segregation

H.3034, An Act limiting the use of prison labor

H.3092, An Act to collect data regarding the use of solitary confinement in Massachusetts prisons and jails

H.3079, An Act to promote transparency, best practices and better outcomes for children and communities

H.3110, An Act to promote fairness in probation fees

H.3121, An Act related to parole

H.2359, An Act to reduce the criminalization of poverty

H.2308, An Act for Justice Reinvestment

H.2489, An Act improving juvenile justice data collection

H.2249, An Act Establishing a Segregation Oversight Committee

H.2494, An Act to Ensure Compliance with the Anti-Shackling Law for Pregnant Incarcerated Women

H.2248, An Act Promoting Humane Conditions of Confinement and Enable Safe Reentry

S.874, An Act relative to medical placement of terminal and incapacitated inmates

S.873, An Act relative to larceny

S.1328, An Act relative to police training


H.2872, An Act relative to dyslexia

H.2209, An Act ensuring equal access to medical treatments essential for people with autism

H.1954, An Act supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

H.3027, An Act to establish the office of adult guardianship and decisional support services

H.1958, An Act updating the terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities

H.1953, An Act to support the transition to adult services for persons with disabilities

H.1956, Resolve to re-establish the Brain Injury Commission

H.845, An Act prohibiting discrimination against adults with disabilities in family and juvenile court proceedings

H.80, An Act to establish a registry of caretakers found to have substantiated abuse against persons with intellectual disability or developmental disability

H.224, An Act Relative to Special Education Services for Low Incidence Populations

H.113, An Act affirming inclusion of individuals with disabilities within civil rights protections and nondiscrimination provisions in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

H.93, An Act regarding the use of aversive therapy

H.330, An Act relative to defining and providing screening for dyslexia

S.1106, An Act to ensure full and equal access to services from the Department of Mental Health for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and related conditions who otherwise meet the eligibility criteria for DMH services

S.699, An Act to ensure equal access to college course materials for visually impaired students


S.669, An Act providing access to higher education for high school graduates in the Commonwealth

H.2875, An Act establishing an educational mandate task force

H.2875, An Act ensuring high quality early education

H.2873, An Act relative to improving teacher preparation and certification

H.2843, An Act relative to universal full-day kindergarten

H.2839, An Act to reform English language learning education

H.2868, An Act to increase access to high quality summer learning opportunities

H.2021, An Act promoting local control and effective training of school resource officers

H.2061, An Act establishing Universal Early Education and Full-day Kindergarten

H.3003, An Act to provide access to higher education for high school graduates in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

H.2058, An Act for language opportunity for our kids

H.2053, An Act relative to healthy youth

H.2226, An Act relative to breaking generational cycles of poverty

H.2056, An Act relative to dropout prevention and recovery

H.2475, An Act relative to improving asthma in schools

H.2717, An Act to establish a Massachusetts percent for arts program

H.2016, An Act to promote and enhance civic engagement

H.639, An Act investing in public higher education

H.632, An Act relative to sexual violence on higher education campuses

H.627, An Act establishing a student tuition recovery fund

H.314, An Act concerning genocide education

H.262, An Act to promote quality physical education

H.327, An Act regarding breakfast in the classroom

H.644, An Act relative to equal opportunity for high school graduates in the commonwealth

H.1480, An Act promoting student loan repayment

H.331, An Act relative to greater transparency and accountability for out of district placement costs

H.265, An Act to assure opportunity for all students with disabilities

H.264, An Act relative to special education funding

H.3984, An Act relative to providing health education in schools

S.242, An Act regarding breakfast in the classroom

S.685, An Act regarding tuition equity for high school graduates in the Commonwealth

S.223, An Act Modernizing the Foundation Budget for the 21st Century

S.235, An Act relating to special education funding

S.1332, An Act to promote safety in the transportation of students

S.232, An Act for language opportunity for our kids

Elder Affairs

H.1524, An Act relative to the establishment of a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption

H.2892, An Act relative to LGBT awareness training for aging services providers

H.2888, An Act creating a task force on Massachusetts older adults of all incomes

H.2884, An Act relative to training of elder services workers in dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

H.2890, An Act relative to the nursing home quality jobs initiative

H.2068, An Act establishing a home care aide training registry

H.1967, An Act relative to cueing and supervision in the PCA program

H.2077, An Act relative to assisting elders and people with disabilities in the Commonwealth

H.2069, An Act relative to PACE Programs and Nurse Pronouncement

H.340,  An Act to improve the licensure of skilled nursing facilities

H.348, An Act regarding residential habilitation

S.629, An Act preserving special needs trusts for disabled seniors

Electoral and Campaign Finance Reform

H.3140, An Act promoting political participation

H.2098, An Act relative to the central registry of voters

H.2096, An Act relative to reprecincting

H.2091, An Act automatically registering eligible voters and enhancing safeguards against fraud

H.2085, An Act to establish permanent voter registration for registered voters who move within the Commonwealth

H.1926, An Act for a United States constitutional amendment and amendments convention

H.353, An Act to establish election day registration

H.377, An Act to promote better voting practices

Environment, Climate Change, and Energy

H.2700, An Act to increase the renewable portfolio standard and ensure compliance with the Global Warming Solutions Act

S.1915, An Act promoting zero-emission vehicles

S.1821, An Act combating climate change

H.3338, An Act to promote urban agriculture and horticulture

H.3281, An Act relative to public investment in fossil fuels

H.3394, An Act to increase recycling in the Commonwealth

H.2916, An Act relative to recycling

H.3252 An Act to restrict the use of polystyrene

H.3390, An Act promoting solar-ready construction

H.3396, An Act relative to solar power equity in low-income and environmental justice communities

H.2910, An Act Relative to Public Space Recycling

H.2937, An Act relative to the use of Department of Conservation and Recreation property for farmers markets and community gardens

H.3403, An Act relative to low income solar

H.2913, An Act relative to environmental justice and toxics reduction in the Commonwealth

H.2692, An Act improving outdoor lighting and increasing dark-sky visibility

H.2479, An Act to require environmentally safe alternatives to harmful cleaning products

H.2149, An Act relating to the effective and efficient implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008

H.2713, An Act further promoting energy efficiency and green jobs

H.2711, An Act relative to streamflow standards

H.2147, An Act providing for the establishment of a comprehensive adaptation management plan in response to climate change

H.2117, An Act relative to municipal assistance for clean water and economic development infrastructure

H.2116, An Act providing for the establishment of sustainable water resource funds

H.2115, An Act relative to drought management

H.2114, An Act to ensure appropriate regulation of piggeries

H.2113, An Act to protect Massachusetts pollinators

H.2614, An Act relative to land conservation incentives

H.2706, An Act relative to solar power and the green economy

H.2121, An Act reducing plastic bag pollution

H.448, An Act to reduce solid waste and provide universal recycling access

H.447, An Act reducing packaging waste in the Commonwealth

H.1726, An Act to promote green infrastructure, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create jobs

H.1725, An Act relative to local energy investment and infrastructure modernization

H.1739, An Act relative to the construction of generating facilities

H.412, An Act to reduce packaging waste

H.174, An Act relative to lottery ticket litter reduction

H.443, An Act authorizing the establishment of old growth forest reserves

H.1765, An Act relative to the prompt decommissioning of nuclear power stations

S.1880, An Act Creating 21st Century Massachusetts Clean Energy Jobs

S.442, An Act promoting agriculture in the Commonwealth

S.1870, An Act to protect our environment and update our climate action plan

S.471, An Act to promote solar hot water installations

S.417, An Act re-establishing the Clean Environment Fund

S.1839,  An Act relative to home energy efficiency

S.1950,  An Act relative to vehicle idling

S.436,  An Act relative to public space recycling

S.1832,  An Act to increase container recycling in the Commonwealth

S.1128,  An Act increasing recycling by landlords and tenants

H.1903,  An Act to improve recycling along our state highways

H.1729,  An Act relative to hydrokinetic energy

S.1847, An Act clarifying authority and responsibilities of the department of public utilities

H.3400, An Act An act Clarifying Authority and Responsibilities of the Department of Public Utilities

H.2146, An Act establishing tracking and reporting requirements for Massachusetts transportation fuels and associated greenhouse gas emissions

Governmental Reform and Transparency

H.3033, An Act relative to enforcing federal law

H.3123, An Act relative to the reform of certain archaic laws

H.1707, Resolve providing for the creation of a special commission relative to the seal and motto of the Commonwealth

H.950, An Act relative to the reform of unconstitutional archaic laws

H.949, An Act relative to the reform of archaic laws implicating certain private consensual intimate conduct between adults

H.1706, An Act establishing the Massachusetts law revision commission

Health Care and Health Insurance

H.2975, An Act promoting consumer choice in health care

H.3248, An Act to increase access to healthcare in underserved areas of Massachusetts

H.2984, An Act to restore adequate funding for disproportionate share hospitals

H.2210, An Act relative to transfers of assets by MassHealth members

H.2216, An Act improving the children’s medical security program and simplifying the administrative process

H.2974, An Act to limit retroactive denials of health insurance claims for mental health and substance abuse services

H.2166, An Act relative to improving lives by ensuring access to brain injury treatment

H.2223, An Act requiring the Division of Medical Assistance to provide adequate rates

H.2474, An Act authorizing dental therapists to expand access to oral health

H.529, An Act promoting continuity of care for multiple sclerosis treatment

H.592, An Act restoring affordable health connector coverage

H.502, An Act requiring reimbursement for the costs of providing competent interpreter services

H.624, An Act relative to Early Childhood Cavities

H.1225, An Act relative to the restoration of MassHealth adult dental benefits

H.596, An Act to ensure effective health care cost control

H.336, An Act regarding spouses as caregivers

H.593, An Act to Support Equal Access to Community Care for Elders and the Disabled

H.1200, An Act improving treatment for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

H.615, An Act regarding Medicare savings programs eligibility

H.342, An Act regarding Medicaid eligibility for seniors

H.578, An Act advancing and expanding access to telemedicine services

H.1194, An Act relative to end of life options

H.341, An Act strengthening the Massachusetts home care program

H.350, An Act relative to home care

H.499, An Act relative to payments for use of ambulance services

H.598, An Act to ensure continued health insurance coverage for children

H.522, An Act to promote value-based insurance design in the Commonwealth

H.526, An Act providing for certain health insurance coverage

S.214, An Act relative to the administration of diabetes medication

S.613, An Act relative to continuity of care for families enrolled in MassHealth

S.648, An Act regarding MassHealth applications

S.1199, An Act relative to the closing of hospital essential services

S.618, An Act establishing a public health insurance option

S.1713, An Act regarding Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month

S.1215, An Act to reduce healthcare costs by promoting non-biased prescriber education

H.528, An Act to provide early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment to privately insured children under the age of 21

H.2960, An Act to protect access to confidential healthcare

Housing and Community Development

H.675, An Act financing the production and preservation of housing for low and moderate income residents

H.1115, An Act to minimize foreclosures and their harm

H.674, An Act relative to housing authority executive director contracts

H.550, An Act to Facilitate Alternatives to Foreclosure

H.673, An Act relative to housing production

H.1534, An Act regarding state income tax credit for renting unsubsidized properties at below market rents

H.1971, An Act relative to community benefit districts

H.2617, An Act to promote high-impact community investment

H.2615, An Act to sustain community preservation revenue

H.2481, An Act relative to enhanced fire protection in new one and two family dwellings

H.978, An Act relative to the Geographical jurisdiction of the Housing Court Department

S.81, An Act promoting housing and sustainable development

S.1379, An Act relative to the Architectural Access Board

S.187, An Act relative to promoting local economic development

Jobs, Economic Opportunity, and Worker Rights

H.3144, An Act establishing just schedules for employees

H.3145, An Act ensuring an adequate living wage

H.3153, An Act regulating the use of credit reports by employers

H.2803, An Act To Ensure the Protection of DCF Social Workers

H.3150, An Act Relative to Fair Pay for Comparable Work

H.3158, An Act to further define standards of employee safety

H.2452, An Act to remove the restrictions on the licenses of CRNAs

H.1142, An Act relative to the practice of athletic training

H.2365, An Act to improve the Commonwealth’s economy with a strong minimum wage and a strong tipped minimum wage

H.2578, An Act relative to the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund Board of Directors

H.2407, An Act to require equitable payment from the Commonwealth

H.1033, An Act to prevent wage theft and promote employer accountability

H.1013, An Act relative to defense against abusive waivers

H.116, An Act relative to a loan repayment program for human service workers

H.183, An Act relative to craft brewers

H.643, An Act establishing an education loan repayment program for social workers in areas of need

H.1038, An Act establishing the Massachusetts pregnant workers fairness act

H.285, An Act to promote global trade and economic development through biliteracy

H.1427, An Act relative to credible service for VISTA volunteers

H.1426, An Act relative to the collective bargaining rights for employees of the Committee for Public Counsel Services

H.1043, An Act relative to the creative economy

H.1000, An Act allowing 12 and 13 year old youth to be employed as soccer referees

S.1040, An Act to establish a living wage for employees of big box retailers

S.1013, An Act addressing workplace bullying, mobbing, and harassment, without regard to protected class status

S.1205, An Act regulating central service technicians

Mental Health

H.2193, An Act to limit retroactive denials of health insurance claims for behavioral health and substance abuse services

H.2403, An Act to protect children’s mental health services

H.2181, An Act relative to substance use disorder diversion and treatment

H.721, An Act relative to ensuring quality mental health services in state correctional facilities

H.488, An Act to increase access to children’s mental health services in the community

H.486, An Act to require health care coverage for the emergency psychiatric services

H.485, An Act requiring mental health parity for disability policies

H.1190, An Act relative to abusive practices to change sexual orientation and gender identity in minors

H.527, An Act to improve access to child and adolescent mental health services

S.1103, An Act providing access to full spectrum addiction treatment services

S.614, An Act to promote the accessibility, quality and continuity of care for consumers of behavioral health, substance use disorder and mental health services


H.3359, An Act establishing a special commission to investigate and study the feasibility of establishing a municipal building financing authority

H.2420, An Act building for the future of the Commonwealth

H.2701, An Act Relative to Municipal Authority in Public Rights of Way

S.884, An Act clarifying municipal authority regarding cash sureties and foreclosures

Public Health

H.1223, An Act relative to the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Project

H.3714, An Act to Create a Massachusetts Rare Disease Advisory Council

H.2864, An Act to protect youth from the health risks of tobacco and nicotine addiction

H.2915, An Act ensuring safe drinking water at schools and early childhood programs

H.3249, An Act relative to HIV screening and prevention

H.2840, An Act relative to student safety in interscholastic athletic activities

H.1527, An Act to direct tobacco tax revenues to reduce tobacco use and its harms

H.2858, An Act to protect youth from the health risks of sugary drinks

H.3329, An Act to Promote Healthy Alternatives to Sugary Drinks

H.2138, An Act reducing human exposure to particulate matter pollution

H.2112, An Act protecting public drinking water

H.2502, An Act relative to emergency planning

H.2385, An Act to protect patients approved by physicians and certified by the Department of Public Health to access medical marijuana

H.2480, An Act To Promote Public Health Through the Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund

H.2455, An Act restricting the sale of tobacco products at health care institutions

H.2278, An Act requiring automatic external defibrillator devices in health clubs

H.2476, An Act to establish a division of indoor environments within the Department of Public Health

H.1468, An Act relative to the sales tax of candy and soda

H.449, An Act encouraging SNAP purchases at local community farmers markets

H.1361, An Act relative to firefighters cessation program

H.1191, An Act relative to expanding access to healthy food choices in vending machines on state property

H.1245, An Act to protect children, families, and firefighters from harmful flame retardants

H.1189, An Act relative to out-of-hospital birth access and safety

H.566, An Act relative to the practice of acupuncture

H.1195, An Act protecting children from harmful diet pills and muscle-building supplements

H.1213, An Act relative to reporting on health effects of particulate matter

H.1135, An Act supporting school-based substance use prevention through evidenced-based positive social norms marketing

H.1132, An Act enabling trained school personnel to administer life saving epinephrine treatment

H.101, An Act improving public health through a common application for core food, health and safety-net programs

H.622, An Act eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth

H.1217, An Act modernizing tobacco control and protecting the health of minors

H.1131, An Act increasing nuclear power plant protections to a twenty mile radius

H.1147, An Act relative to radiological emergency response funds

S.36, An Act establishing the healthy incentives program

S.962, An Act relative to safe driving and open containers

Reproductive Rights

H.3649, An Act to ensure teen safety

H.2333, An Act to protect girls from genital mutilation

H.954, An Act updating the laws to protect women’s health

H.893, An Act to improve the safety of young women

H.539, An Act relative to advancing contraceptive coverage and economic security in our state (ACCESS)


H.1501, An Act relative to closing off-shore tax haven loopholes

H.1618, An Act relative to income tax rates

H.1604, An Act relative to the sales tax of motor vehicles

H.2611, An Act to promote best tax expenditure practices

H.3622, An Act relative to the electronic deposit of tax refunds


S.1905, An Act to reduce traffic fatalities

H.3429, An Act relative to improving passenger rail service between Springfield and Boston

H.2877, An Act to reduce traffic fatalities

H.3424, An Act relative to contract assistance for central artery debt of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

H.1603, An Act establishing a local option gasoline and diesel fuel excise

H.1829, An Act to promote the safe integration of autonomous vehicles into the transportation system of the Commonwealth

S.1908, An Act relative to hands free cell phone devices

H.1883, An Act authorizing the establishment of recreational safety zones

H.346, An Act authorizing the establishment of senior citizen safety zones

H.1828, An Act to explore alternative funding sources to ensure safe and reliable transportation

H.1640, An Act relative to regional transportation ballot initiatives

S.1953, An Act relative to 2-person train crew size

Co-Sponsored Legislation for the 2017-2018 Session

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